He is making perfect sense out of a perfectly senseless, messed up life!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

I took a walk with Jesus

  1. Thanks to all!  

  2. I took a walk today...actually made it several feet down the hall...2 from physical therapy in tow, one held a hospital gown behind me like a cape, the other with my IV Pole.................
  3. ..............another miracle, Praise the Lord was my cry!  When I came into the hospital Wednesday (?) I was talked to about the possibility of dialysis & shortly I was caught up in a rush with the rapid transfer team (? Name) my BP was dropping lower & lower as I was quickly transferred to micu (Medical icu). It dropped to 50/20. I shed a few tears as a nurse squeezed my shoulder but God was with me!  
  4. This is the short story...I’ve had a healing again!  Remember I told you what that this group was about!  Miracles!  They say that my kidney function improved more than expected (& Jesus just poked me & reminded me that he’d healed my kidneys as a little girl,  at 8 years old, another story!) 
  5. My kidney doctor walked in today and said “I have just one question?””why are you so cheery?” & I answered “my faith in God”and I went on sharing about God with his colleagues, my nurse, my brother & etc...I love that freedom that only He gives me.
  6. I took a walk with Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Hi dear I’m Serena. You know me from Poshmark. We have talked a lot about clothes and husbands and disability’s. I just read your story above. I’m not sure exactly what I’m feeling other than Joy pure Joy. Our father is so amazing and has helped me in my life like he has you. I am happy to have met you. Praise God. He knows when we need people around us to talk to us and to encourage us. You to have been through so much in your life just as I have. I feel blessed for many of the lessons I have learned and am still learning. I just want you to know my friend your not alone in your daily or hourly struggles of pain and frustration. I am here going through some of the same pain and struggles that you are. At least we know we are alive if we are in pain right? Lol. I believe u stumbled upon my closet not to buy anything but to reach out and talk to me and god opened my eyes 👀 to see that you needed to talk and to have someone care. Would love to stay in contact outside of Poshmark as well. I always need a friend and you seem to be a very nice person. Not sure when you will get this message but I’m going to leave my phone number so if you ever just want to talk about anything you will know that Insm here. Just reach out snd call me or text me. My name is Serena King 509 675-5484. On Poshmark my name is Serena4957. I found this site in your pishmark closet. Today we were talking and you left so fast cause you said you weren’t feeling well and so I got worried about you cause you were on my heart and mind so I messaged you and seen this website. Anyways I’m hoping your ok. I hope you let me know. I’m rambling cause I’m tired. So goodnight and God bless you and I’m happy to be here if you need me. Take Care Serena King
